Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homo Habilis is also referred to as the HANDY MAN, It is widely believed that Homo HABILIS appeared approximately about 2.2 Million Years Ago. Homo HABILIS marks the beginning of the early human phase which is commonly referred to as HOMO, Hence that is why after the species that emerge after HABILIS also inherit the term HOMO to denote that they belong to a distinct phase of human evolution quite different from that of the Australopithecus. A significant development that sets Habilis apart from the Australopithecus is the fact that Habilis had evolved and developed a relatively large brain which explains why Habilis showcases Behavioral complexities quite advanced from those of the Australopithecus. It is commonly believed that Homo Habilis is the Ancestor to the Homo Erectus.


Welcome to my blog where we will basically be talking about Human Origins as well as the theory of evolution and other related issues.This blog tries to reach out to people who are interested in learning more about Human evolution and its key stages